Nothing feels like the end of the world like being caught in the middle of a school shooting.

5 stars Wow!
This is a brilliant “zombie” Apocalypse story with a twist. And a story of love and friendship between 3 survivors who initially appear to have nothing in common. Fast-paced and engrossing with excellent character building….I couldn’t put it down. Highly recommended if you enjoy Apocalyptic fiction. ~ Amazon reader

cover for Laughter of the UndeadAt least, until it literally sparks the end of the world. By the time the shooting stops, Conner, Izzy, and Levi, three kids from universes as different as they could be within the cliques of senior year high school, are all huddled in a closet together, hoping they live to see tomorrow.

But the pretty boy jock, loner bookworm, and ultimate bad boy get a reality check when the dead don’t exactly stay . . . dead. All the undead movie marathons in the world couldn’t prepare them for the blatant and bloody truth of the real thing. Now that it’s just them, they either have to band together or join the sinister, laughing corpses plaguing the school and by extension, the world.

Carrying guilt, secrets, and complicated intertwining pasts, the three are about to learn that nothing matters but each other— not the school rivalries, not the social hierarchies, or even the histories they share.

And there’s no better time than the present to get over their differences if they’re going to survive the horde of not-as-dead-as-they-should-be people who want to eat of their faces off— and keep each other from joining the laughter of the undead.

 Available now from Amazon, in paperback and on KU