The day Z.Z. Warlander realized books were written by real people, and not fairies or robots, she decided to become an author. Her first epic adventure was written and illustrated that night.

Several years, and a dozen hurdles later, such as the persistent inability to spell, Z.Z. successfully published her first novel at 19. Despite flipping letters, and writing in mirror image, Z.Z. still managed to have a functional college vocabulary at the ripe age of eight. The same age she discovered one of her favorite books was written by a sixteen-year-old. A goal she chose to emulate, and at the age of fifteen, beat.

In high school, Z.Z. single-handedly resurrected her school’s writing club, all while secretly intimidating the literacy sponsor–he called her Buckets-of-Blood Warlander after reading the first chapter of her first novel. Despite the gruesome darkness of her writing, Z.Z.’s aesthetic is better found in her pink hair and ever sunny disposition. While juggling a blossoming writing career she managed to graduate college Cun Laud. She is currently working toward her next big goal.